Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Pain reliever

I heard a funny and yes, cute comment the other day.

I was removing wallpaper from a wall in sections and had left the room to take a quick break. When I returned, I noticed there were a handful of stickers and band-aids along one part of the wall holding together some of the shredded pieces.

Puzzled. I asked the owner of the house to take a look. She was followed in by her three year old daughter. When I pointed out the "fix", the little girl proudly stated, "house hurts mommy, I made better."

Anyone else have any funny kid comment stories they'd like to share?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your story made me think of a funny one of our own. My husband, full of energy one day, decided to strip all the old wallpaper off our bedroom. Excited to join in on the action was little Miss 18 month old Megan – our mischievous daughter. In next to no time the pair of them had removed an entire room of wallpaper. Megan was so pleased with herself that, while Mom and Dad were busy elsewhere and not watching, she got an urge to start stripping the hallway wallpaper off the walls, which was relatively new. But she didn’t stop there… Little Miss Megan stripped wallpaper at a height of about 2 feet all down the hallway – just over her height. She was so pleased with herself! Mom and Dad on the otherhand were stuck with the task of repairing the bedroom and also the hallway. Luckily, we put an end to any further ‘toddler alterations’ before she got busy on the rest of the house.
E Taylor

10:15 PM  

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